Friday's tragic events have left America in shock with many expressing anger,but often times this anger is directed at the wrong target. For those that don't know, in the rush to get ahead of the competition, various media sources incorrectly identified the shooter his face was plastered on various websites. And then from there the incorrectly named shooter was sent various hateful through facebook, and others sharing his name on twitter.
So what can we do to stop the backlash involved in these cases? Obviously we can hope that the media goes back to the days in which it had to check sources of information before rushing to the latest headline, but I don't see the media changing unless there were some heavy monetary penalties. Should we teach kids to be more patient and wait for the facts to come in? That they shouldn't attack those that commit heinous acts?
These are just some of the questions going through my head that I really don't have an answer to
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